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Time to Change

Time to Change

Girl, female, woman, lady, wife, mother – so many roles the fairer section has been playing in this world since the origin of human being or rather origin of this universe. In all these roles, it’s always been a painful and a difficult phase for the female section. An infant baby grows up to a girl and is considered to be like a piece of feather or a glass to be taken care or handled with care. A girl grows up and soon becomes a wife and a mother to bear the pain for the birth of another child and all the various feminine problems till her last breath. Though female is meant to be the most beautiful and the soft and wonderful creation of god on this earth, she has to be so vigilant and struggle in her life always. There are just two types of human on this earth male and female with the same soul, the same source of origin then why the discrepancy, why the indifference towards female?

Imagine a world without female, just a world full of males. How would it be to live in such a world? Would life be as exciting as it is currently, would it be as worthy living as it is now? Yes, the existence of human would come to halt at a particular time being no reproduction process happening without female existence. It’s an interesting yet a little scary thought to think of, a life without females. Coming back to the point of female, how is it that this fairer section has been facing so many troubles since birth. Since decades, female infanticide, dowry, prostitution, child marriage, rape has always involved the victimization of women how would these issues be addressed. Females are the ones who have always tackled domestic issues along with corporate issues and also been strong through every stage of her life in this world till date. If the opposite sex feels that the role females have to play cannot be played by them and vice versa, then I strongly feel they should also respect the females across and give them the equal opportunity to live and grow in this world.

To some extent, along with globalization and economic development the fairer section is no less than the stronger male section these days. As seen, woman have outnumbered the male terms of corporate world and economic development, I still doubt the issue of gender equality is achieved 100%. The fairer section has always been a weak point for males across geographic and demographic borders. And this is the root cause for all the issues women face. The beauty, fairness, physical form of women has always been the point of attraction for the opposite sex which allows relationships to happen and the generations to be built. Hang on, but this is just not the purpose of female existence here. Earlier, the illiterate and lower sections of rural and few urban people were firm believers in female infanticide and showed complete interest and concentration on girl child birth and the moment a girl was born they snarled like hungry wolves and before the poor child could even open her eyes and take her first breath she was brutally sent back to the world from where she came. The ones who were born already and living their life had more of a dreadful and scary life amongst the devils around her. Either she was not allowed to get educated or she had to get married to a man who was thrice her age and live her entire life with him, giving birth to a child in the age when she should actually be playing like a child and learning at school. She had to act like a woman in adolescent age and become a widow when she should ideally be finding her love and getting married. But these girls lived this life as they blindly followed their mothers and the others in the same section and believed it as the way of living for themselves. But thanks to the great woman fighters and the change makers who opened the eyes of the women across the world and voice their views and fight against the evil acts. Child marriage, no girl education, female infanticide issues to a large extent have been solved but in this huge world of 1000 villages and cities, a population of 100 billion there exists the small blots of these issues in small corners which will take time to change.

But though these issues have been solved, I feel the other issues for women still exists. Eve teasing, sexual abuse, rapes, prostitution are problems which need to be addressed and eradicated totally. It’s not about getting rid of these issues but as a citizen, as a human every person should realize their own birth rights and start respecting their own self and in the same way the existence of this fair section. Instead of checking out a girl from top to bottom, why not think of supporting the girl in living and walking with pride and security in this world. A girl walking by is always scanned, tried to be touched, addressed with cheap remarks and grimy looks by the so called men in this world make her feel like a waste and her survival wretched. As these men have a right to live, enjoy and have a great life so do women have and are here to make a difference in their own and others lives too. The eve-teasers forget that their origin to this world is also from a woman and if they could respect their mother they need to understand their simple duty towards this small city and every female they come across here. I would not offend the opposite sex but yes I would also make it a point here that women need to act sensible and be aware of their existence and not provoke anyone around and then run blaming others for any problems. Females should understand and respect their own self and their physical form here and not use the beautiful shapes of their bodies to expose or attract or impress someone. This is one reason why the opposite sex biologically gets active and gets attracted to females exposing themselves. This surely is not meant to be offensive for females but just a word of caution to avoid any unwanted problems. Prostitution is legal in few places and though not everyone would agree with me, I do not understand the rationale for allowing this as a profession and a making it legal worldwide since centuries. Why particular sects of girls are made a part of this unwanted profession and to some extent how can few voluntarily consider of getting into this? Though pornography is a well accepted and must and majorly used source to satisfy or sexual urge to some extent, I do not understand the mental capacity and self respect the porn stars carry in them to actually sell their nudity. If decent girls like us find prostitutes and porn sites as immoral then why do the male we have in our family or friend circle support these things? Are the porn stars or prostitutes not born from a bonding of a wonderful relation and don’t they have parents whom they should look upon (if the parents too are into this profession god forbid them). Don’t they feel like having a life of their own, a committed relation and a wonderful family of their own? There would be hardly a 10-15% if this section who at their own accord fall into this and there are majority who reluctantly fall into this trap, thanks to the pimps (both male and female-madam) who roam in this world hunting for fresh fair skin blood across.

So how do we as a citizen make a difference for these issues or rather I feel each one of us should take this as making a difference as a human to understand the pain of other humans. I know in the fast world of today, no one lives for others, no one cares a damn for others but if we make a small shift in our thoughts am sure, each one of us will have a peaceful sleep at night thinking I made at least a small difference in this world. If it is said that to eradicate corruption one should stop corruption at own house then every single issue in this world we face needs to start being addressed by each one of us. In such a big city, there are so many nooks which we are unaware of being a house of flesh selling business but none of us have the audacity to raise our voice against it, being petrified with the thought of being faced with death. But why not anonymously address such places to the concerned official department and try your best to eradicate and daunt such devils and give the dark alleys a ray of hope.

The next time you see some crook passing spiteful comments to any girl, hold his collar and ask “Tu kyun aaya re iss life mein, yehi karne kya?” And am sure this scornfulness should make him feel ashamed of his act. You may think this would not help as either this crook will come back with few more hooligans along with him or might just shrug you off obnoxiously. But why depress yourself before you raise a voice against the crook. Be a hero and make a difference. I feel every male should remember that every female is someone’s daughter, sister, wife or mother. If every person starts respecting one self and thinks before passing a malicious comment against any female pass by. It’s high time people need to be more responsible, courteous, benevolent and earn some respect for themselves and understand and respect the life of the fairer skin.

PS: Being a fair skin myself I have tried not to be biased or offensive towards any gender here, kindly be gentle at your comments :)


Honestly.I too feel the same.Why don't men think the hot girl walking past them could be somebody's sister/daughter just like the sister he too has!! Wonder when men will change...just "some" men!
Rahul Ahire said…
Strong, strong emotions put down. I can't imagine a world without women for sure. It would just end up being a world full of male chauvinist pigs (Women love using this term for us, no?).

Nicely put forth! Keep writing :)
Khoty Mathur said…
“Not use the beautiful shapes of their bodies to expose or attract or impress someone” was the only discordant note to a very lovely article. Thank you for the rest of the article. Don’t males like to wear nice clothes? Feel good? Would that be an excuse to abuse them? I believe, even in this case, too many men – good and bad - have to change their attitude. Thank goodness there are the decent ones who enjoy female company and females enjoy them because they don’t feel threatened or abused by them. Sharing fun and laughter is a human trait whether one is male or female. The trick is to stop looking at each other as male or female ALL the time – sometimes it is better to share thoughts, feelings, ideas, appreciate knowledge and realise there are brains behind the female (or male) form and NEVER invade someone else’s space or do so at the risk of some form of punishment. All in all a very good article, thanks.
@Jen - Hope to see this change someday atleast in life.....

@Rahul - Don't even think of a world without women!!! :P Nice to know you liked it, Thank you....

@KayEm - Regret if i have got ur name wrong. I know that one line is discordant but I have been unbiased and have pen down my frank thoughts. Its high time females too need to realise few things, and hence that line.... No offense meant for all....
Appreciate your thoughts and agree that we need to stop looking at each other as male or female, then would the change happen!!! :)
Thanks a lot..

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