Just a few days back there was a nice thought thought shared by a friend with me : An old Hindu legend says there was a time when men were gods. But they abused their divine powers so much that Brahma, the master of all gods, decided to take these powers away and hide them in a place where they would be impossible to find. All that remained was to find a suitable hiding place. A number of lesser gods were appointed to a council to deal with the issue. They suggested this: “Why not bury man's powers in the earth?” To which Brahma replied, “ No, that will not do because man would dig deep and find it.” So the gods said, “In that case, we will send their divinity to the deepest depths of the ocean.” But Brahma replied again, “Sooner or later man will explore the depths of the ocean and it is certain he will find it and bring it to the surface.” So the lesser gods concluded, “Neither land nor sea is a place where man's divine powers will be safe, so we do not know where...